These are the books I find to be the most helpful for learning about grounding. Grounding in this case means what happens to the human body when you connect it to the surface of the Earth – such as by touching the ground with your hands or feet. Grounding is also sometimes called Earthing.
Earthing, Second Edition
Full Title: Earthing, Second Edition, The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!
Written by: Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, and Martin Zucker. Published in 2014.
From the back of the book:
“Beneath your feet outdoors is not just a mere patch of grass, dirt, sand, or concrete. It is an omnipresent source of natural healing energy. After you read this book, you will never look at the ground the same way. We humans, as all other living beings, are electrical creatures on an electrical planet, and the ground beneath us is more than something we just stand, walk, play and build on.”
Why I read this book: I actually have both the first and second editions of this book. When I first discovered grounding I ordered this book from Amazon. It explains in detail the history of how this modality was uncovered, summaries of science conducted to better understand and verify what is happening to the body when it is grounded, plus information on how to ground. It’s the “bible” of grounding. The science stuff is technical but I believe with methodical re-reading, and supporting the information with other sources, most people can wrap their minds about the explanations. I also happen to be a fan of Marty Zucker’s writing. Marty was an AP reporter turned health book writer. He was a master of the craft of writing.
Where to buy the book: Check your local natural health and food stores, as well as the big online book sellers. You can also purchase this book from
The Earth Prescription
Full book title: The Earth Prescription, Discover the Healing Power of Nature with Grounding Practices for Every Season
Written by: Laura Koniver, MD. Published in 2020.
From the back of the book:
“Do you spend most of your time inside? Do you depend on devices to feel connected? Do you feel too busy to take a five-minute walk in the fresh air to calm your mind and awaken your senses? You’re not alone. Many of us spend far too much time indoors, trapped in our own heads, surrounded by screens, and disconnected from our bodies and the rejuvenating elements of nature. So, how can you get back to the earth, restore balance, and replenish your soul?
Why I read this book: She gets right to the point on what the problem is – our disconnection from the Earth. She explains how reconnecting will help you, and she lets you in on all the secrets of just how easy it is to reconnect. Many of the methods she suggests will cost you nothing to do. Which begs the question for all of us … what are we waiting for?!
Cover quote from Christiane Northrup, MD: “The Earth Prescription is a game changer. It is precisely the medicine our planet and our bodies, minds, and spirits are longing for at this time in history.”
Where to buy the book: I HIGHLY recommend you buy this book directly from the author’s website. Doing so moves your money from you directly to the creator of the book. It is the strongest way to buy for our economy. You support the author directly, which is a wonderful wellness strategy!
A Note About Links to External Websites
The links on this article are not tracked nor are they affiliate links. The information on this article represents the books I have on my bookshelf and that I use for resources on this topic.