Booklists at BookShop
My booklists at are a quick way to find the wellness books I read and recommend!
My booklists at are a quick way to find the wellness books I read and recommend!
I prefer to start with movies sometimes, then move to books. Movies give context in a way that books cannot. Here are the movies I recommend watching to better understand the science and potential of grounding. The “grounding” I’m talking about in this article is the term for what happens to the human body when …
These are the books I find to be the most helpful for learning about grounding. Grounding in this case means what happens to the human body when you connect it to the surface of the Earth – such as by touching the ground with your hands or feet. Grounding is also sometimes called Earthing. Earthing, …
I try to start each day watching a minute or so of Dr. Sean. He has great Instagram posts right now. Usually daily. Very motivating. Watching him daily helps me stay on track with my wellness adventures that relate to what I’m eating. Why I follow Dr. Sean: I like that Dr. Sean trained as …
As I talk with the people in my life, it is inevitable that we will talk about cancer at some point, and what to do if it touches their lives. How can that question not come up? All of us have lost friends and/or family to cancer of one form or another. It’s so incredibly …